# Custom Drawing

This script utilizes the ApexPainter class from the apexify.js library to draw customizable (Lines | Shapes) on a canvas background.

const { ApexPainter } = require('apexify.js'); 
import { ApexPainter } from 'apexify.js'; 

1.Create an instance of the ApexPainter class:

const painter = new ApexPainter();

2.Define Custom Options: Create an array of custom options, each specifying the start and end coordinates of the line, as well as its style.

  • You can use your custom background by converting it into a buffer and use it in createCustom.

How To Buffer An Image

 const options = [
         startCoordinates: { x: 100, y: 100 },
         endCoordinates: { x: 300, y: 100 },
         lineStyle: {
             color: 'red',
             width: 3,
             lineRadius: 10,
             stroke: {
                 color: 'blue',
                 width: 2
             shadow: {
                 color: 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)',
                 offsetX: 2,
                 offsetY: 2,
                 blur: 5
         startCoordinates: { x: 200, y: 200 },
         endCoordinates: { x: 400, y: 300 },
         lineStyle: {
             color: 'green',
             width: 2,
             lineRadius: 12

3.Custom Option Object: Each object in the options array represents a custom line. It contains the following properties:

  • startCoordinates: Object specifying the x and y coordinates of the starting point of the line.
  • endCoordinates: Object specifying the x and y coordinates of the ending point of the line.
  • lineStyle: Object specifying the style of the line, including color, width, line radius, stroke (optional), and shadow (optional).

4.Drawing Custom Lines: Once you've defined your custom options, you can use them to draw custom lines on a canvas.

5.Generate The Final Custom Canvas Made:

const bufferCustom = await painter.createCustom(buffer, options);
console.log(bufferCustom); // Returns a buffer image.

# Custom Parameters:

Option Type Required Description
startCoordinates { x: number, y: number } True Specifies the starting coordinates of the line.
endCoordinates { x: number, y: number } True Specifies the ending coordinates of the line.
lineStyle LineStyleOptions False Specifies the style of the line, including color, width, line radius, stroke, and shadow.

# LineStyleOptions Explanation

Option Type Required Description
color string True Specifies the color of the line.
width number True Specifies the width of the line.
lineRadius number | "circular" True Specifies the radius of curvature for the line. Can be a number or "circular".
stroke StrokeOptions False Specifies the stroke configuration of the line.
shadow ShadowOptions False Specifies the shadow configuration of the line.

# StrokeOptions Explanation

Option Type Required Description
color string False Specifies the color of the stroke.
width number False Specifies the width of the stroke.
position number False Specifies the position of the stroke.
borderRadius number | "circular" False Specifies the border radius of the stroke. Can be a number or "circular".

# ShadowOptions Explanation

Option Type Required Description
color string False Specifies the color of the shadow.
offsetX number False Specifies the horizontal offset of the shadow.
offsetY number False Specifies the vertical offset of the shadow.
blur number False Specifies the blur radius of the shadow.
opacity number False Specifies the opacity of the shadow.
borderRadius number | "circular" False Specifies the border radius of the shadow. Can be a number or "circular".