# Welcome to Jedi-Studio

Greetings everyone! 🌟 This marks the release of a beta version for our package. If you encounter any issues or need assistance, feel free to reach out. Direct message me on Discord at jedi.tsx (ID: 1130583393176920095).


# Introduction

Welcome to Apexify.js, your ultimate toolkit for image manipulation, AI chat integration, and voice replies. Whether you're a developer looking to enhance your applications with cutting-edge features or an enthusiast eager to explore the possibilities of image editing and AI integration, Jedi-Studio has something for you.

# Features

# Image Manipulation with Canvas

  • Create stunning visuals: Customize backgrounds, shapes, and text to craft captivating designs.
  • Apply filters and effects: Easily enhance your images with a variety of filters and effects.
  • Generate dynamic GIFs: Craft engaging content by creating GIFs from sets of images.
  • Create Charts with ease: Effortlessly design Bar charts, Pie charts, and Line charts for clear data visualization.

# AI Chat Integration

  • Engage users with intelligent chatbots capable of understanding natural language.
  • Trigger AI images and voice replies based on specific words or phrases.

# Voice Replies

  • Add a personal touch to your applications with voice replies.
  • Combine voice replies with AI images for a truly immersive experience.

# Getting Started

To start using Jedi-Studio in your projects, simply install it via npm, pnpm, yarn, or bun:

npm install apexify.js
pnpm add apexify.js
yarn add apexify.js
bun add apexify.js

# Contributions

Contributions are welcome! If you have any suggestions, bug reports, or feature requests, feel free to contact us on discord.

Jedi Studio
Jedi Studio