# Outside Discord


This script enables the ApexAI to process messages in a designated channel, perform tasks as image processing and chat processing outside discord.

# Importing Functions

You need to import two main functions from apexify.js: ApexChat and ApexImagine.

const { ApexChat, ApexImagine } = require('apexify.js'); 
import { ApexChat, ApexImagine } from 'apexify.js'; 

# Generating AI Responses

# ApexChat

The ApexChat function is used to generate AI-driven text responses. It takes a model and a prompt as input and returns a string response.

const model = 'gemini';
const prompt = 'hey how r u?'
const chatreply = await ApexChat(model, prompt);
console.log(response); // Logs the AI-generated response as a string
# ApexImagine

The ApexImagine function is used to generate AI-driven images. It takes a model, a prompt, and optional parameters as input and returns an array of image URLs.

const model = 'prodia';
const prompt = 'draw a cat'
const imgURLS = await ApexImagine(model, prompt, { count: 2, nsfw: false, deepCheck: true, negative_prompt: 'not blur image', cfg_scale: 9, width: 1024, height: 1024, steps: 19, seed: -1, sampler: "DPM-Solver", image_style: "Cinematic" });
console.log(imageUrls); // Logs an array of image URLs

# Parameters

When using ApexImagine, you can provide optional parameters:

Parameter Description Default Value
number Number of images to generate 1
negative Negative prompt for generating contrasting images null

# Example

Let's put it all together in a practical example:

// Generating AI chat
const chatModel = 'model_name'; // Specify your chat model name
const chatPrompt = 'Hello, how can I help you?'; // Your chat prompt
const chatResponse = await ApexChat(chatModel, chatPrompt);
console.log(chatResponse); // Logs the AI-generated response

// Generating AI images
const imageModel = 'model_name'; // Specify your image model name
const imagePrompt = 'A beautiful landscape'; // Your image prompt
const imageCount = 3; // Number of images to generate
const imageNegativePrompt = 'A dark and gloomy landscape'; // Negative prompt for contrasting images
const imageUrls = await ApexImagine(imageModel, imagePrompt, { number: imageCount, negative: imageNegativePrompt });
console.log(imageUrls); // Logs an array of image URLs

This example demonstrates how to use both ApexChat and ApexImagine functions with appropriate prompts and parameters. Adjust the model names, prompts, and parameters according to your specific use case.