# ApexAI

This script enables the ApexAI to process messages in a designated channel, perform various tasks including voice processing, image processing, chat processing, and more.

# Installation

1.Import the ApexAI function from the apexify.js library:

const { ApexAI } = require('apexify.js'); 
import { ApexAI } from 'apexify.js'; 

# Usage

# Voice Processing

Use the following code to enable voice processing:

  • voice_code: Is the language code and voice speech. You may find more at voice modals in previews & samples in ApexAI section.
  • apiKey: The key for the api for apexAI and zenithAI voiceModal. You can purchase a key by contacting us on discord on the server.
  • type: The person either man/woman and old/teen/adult.
const { ApexAI } = require('apexify.js');

client.on('messageCreate', async (message) => {
  if (message.author.bot) return;

  const aiOptions = {
    voice: {
      textVoice: {
        enable: true,
        voiceModal: "google",
        voice_code: "en-US-3",
        apiKey: "your-api-key",
        type: "b"

  await ApexAI(message, aiOptions)

# Image Processing

Use the following code to enable image processing:

  • drawTrigger: The key word that triggers imagine.
  • imageModel: The modal that will be used for generating images. There is plenty of them please check modals at previews & samples in ApexAI section
  • numOfImages: Number of the generated images. The limit is 4.
  • nsfw: To enable anitNSFW. Making sure generated images doesnt contain nsfw. You can add your own keywords or keep it empty array to use default words.
  • enhancer: To enhance your prompt making it more descriptive and better visiualizing and to appy art into it.

Note That: drawTrigger is the first word of your message.

const aiOptions = {
  imagine: {
    enable: true,
    drawTrigger: ["create", "رسم"],
    imageModel: "prodia",
    numOfImages: 2,
    nsfw: {
      enable: false,
      keywords: ['first word', 'second word'],
      deepCheck: true
    enhancer: {
      enable: false,
      enhancerModal: 'ESRGAN_4x',
      negative_prompt: '',
      cfg_scale: 7,
      sampler: 'DDIM',
      steps: 20,
      seed: -1,
      imgStyle: 'enhance',
      width: 512,
      height: 512

# Chat Processing

Use the following code to enable chat processing:

  • chatModel: The chat model of the ai. There is plenty of them please check modals at previews & samples.
  • readFiles: To read files such as PDF/TXT. Soon will read ppt & docs files.
  • readImages: Without enabling it the ai read images but only those with text on them. If images you will provide contains no text it would be better to enable this.
  • API_KEY: Add your own key if using gemini-pro/gemini-flash. Add your own key in case you only recieved rate limit.
  • personality: Personalize your ai. Create a text file add the personality then define its path and add it.
  • memory: To enable memory into your ai and remember chat history. You can add in id either server/channel/user ID.
  • TypeWrting: To enable the ability to text like real ai bot.
const aiOptions = {
  chat: {
    chatModel: "v3",
    readFiles: true,
    readImages: false,
    API_KEY: '',
    personality: '',
    memory: {
      memoryOn:  false,
      id: ''
    typeWriting: {
      enable: false,
      speed: 70,
      delay: 2000

# Other Options

Additional options for configuring keyword responses, loader messages, channel settings, and permissions:

  • messageType: Clarify the type of message either send or reply and add intital message content in bot response as you like.
  • buttons: To add buttons to the generated message.
  • keywords && keywordResponses: Make the ai reply to specific prompt with specific custom replies
  • loader: The intial message being sent before response.
  • channel: Specifying the channels for ai to work at.
  • permissions: Specifying the permissions that ai will respond to and blacklist user/roles
const aiOptions = {
  others: {
    messageType: {
      type: 'send',
      intialContent: `<@${message.author.id}>,`
    buttons: [row1, row2],
    keywords: ["help", "info"],
    keywordResponses: {
      'help': "I'm here to assist you!",
      'info': "Here is some information for you."
    loader: {
      enable: true,
      loadingMessage: "Please wait while I process your request...",
      loadingTimer: 5000
    channel: {
      enable: true,
      id: ['id1', 'id2']
    permissions: {
      enable: true,
      role: ['id1', 'id2'],
      permission: ['ManageGuild', 'SendMessages'],
      blockedUsers: ['user1', 'user2']

# Combined Options

  • You can combine voice processing, image processing, chat processing, and other options in a single aiOptions object:
const aiOptions = {
  voice: {
    textVoice: {
      enable: true,
      // Voice processing options...
  imagine: {
    enable: true,
    // Image processing options...
  chat: {
    // Chat processing options...
  others: {
    // Other options...

# Features

  • Voice Processing: Enable voice processing with options to specify voice modal, language, and API key.
  • Image Processing: Enable image processing with options for drawing triggers, image models, number of images, and more.
  • Chat Processing: Enable chat processing with options for chat model, reading files/images, and type writing.
  • Keyword Responses: Define specific keywords and their corresponding responses.
  • Loader Message: Display a loading message while processing requests.
  • Channel Configuration: Specify channels for the bot to chat in.
  • Permissions: Configure permissions for the bot to respond to specific roles and users.

# Other Moudles Usages:


    const { ApexChat } = require('apexify.js');
    await interaction.deferReply()
    const modal = interaction.options.getString('modal');
    const prompt = interaction.options.getString('prompt');

      const response = await ApexChat(modal, prompt);

      await interaction.editReply({ content: `${response}` });

2.Valid Chat Modals:

  • v3, v3-32k
  • turbo, turbo-16k
  • gemini, apexChat
  • yi-ai, facebook-ai
  • starChat, gemini-pro
  • gemini-flash
Name Type Required Description
response string True The response generated by the AI.
modal string True The modal used by the AI.
prompt string True The prompt provided by the user.


await interaction.deferReply();

const modal = interaction.options.getString('modal');
const prompt = interaction.options.getString('prompt');
const count = interaction.options.getInteger('count');
const negativePrompt = interaction.options.getString('negative') || '';

  const response = await ApexImagine(modal, prompt, { count: number, negative: negativePrompt });

  const attachments = Array.from(response).map(url => new AttachmentBuilder(url));

  await interaction.editReply({ files: attachments });

4.Valid Imagine Modals:

  • lexica, prodia
  • animefy, raava
  • shonin
Name Type Required Description
response string True The images generated by the AI.
modal string True The modal used by the AI.
prompt string True The prompt provided by the user.
count number false Number of images to generate.
negative string false The negative prompt provided by the user.